Ensuring that the entire Australian population is Vitamin D sufficient is challenging, given\nthe wide range of latitudes spanned by the country, its multicultural population and highly urbanised\nlifestyle of the majority of its population. Specific issues related to the unique aspects of vitamin D\nmetabolism during pregnancy and infancy further complicate how best to develop a universally safe\nand effective public health policy to ensure vitamin D adequacy for all. Furthermore, as Australia is\nconsidered a â??sunny countryâ?, it does not yet have a national vitamin D food supplementation policy.\nRickets remains very uncommon in Australian infants and children, however it has been recognised\nfor decades that infants of newly arrived immigrants remain particularly at risk. Yet vitamin D\ndeficiency rickets is entirely preventable, with the caveat that when rickets occurs in the absence of\npreexisting risk factors and/or is poorly responsive to adequate treatment, consideration needs to be\ngiven to genetic forms of rickets.